About Book
Redesign the World
A Global Call to Action
The world was last designed seventy-five years ago, about the same time that Sam Pitroda was born. That design, which gave birth to organizations like the UN, World Bank, IMF, NATO and WTO, among others, has now outlived its utility. Hyperconnectivity and the COVID-19 pandemic offer a unique opportunity to redesign the world and take humanity to the next level.
Redesigning the world is not about looking at it from the point of view of liberal or conservative; left or right; capitalism or socialism; public or private; democracy, dictatorship or monarchy; open or closed systems; rich or poor; urban or rural; east or west; white, brown, black or yellow.
This proposed redesign of the world has the planet and its people at the centre; it is built on the foundations of sustainability, inclusion, equality, equity and justice so that everyone on earth can enjoy peace and prosperity. It is not an idealist or a utopian vision, but one with humanity at its core.